Sustainable Choice

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I’d like preface this post by saying that I am not an expert in sustainability. I am humbly writing today to say, “I can do better.” These are a few thoughts I’ve had lately to bring my own consciousness to this massive concept. I am here to learn and share my own experiences. It is never to judge others but to find a way to build a community to work together toward similar goals. It feels fitting for this blog I am creating to start from the earth and work our way up.

For a few years now we have been searching for an old farm door with the perfect specs for our home. This past Mother’s Day all I wanted was to complete this project and share it with my family. After another failed attempt at finding that old door, we thought maybe we will have to turn to a more commercial approach—buy something new. My heart sunk at the thought of spending a few hundred dollars and generating more waste, which as a planet we have so much of. According to the EPA, 548 million tons of C&D (construction and demolition) debris were generated in the United States in 2015—more than twice the amount of generated municipal solid waste. Demolition represents more than 90 percent of total C&D debris generation, while construction represents less than 10 percent. Now I know that is not all doors, but I do know that solving this problem starts with small steps and small changes in thought. Our door became a significant thought, and it just may be my catalyst to be more aware. We made a conscious choice: let’s not create more waste, as we can make this door a fun, cheery project and repurpose.

The universe always presents us with inspiring humans. They are putting sustainability at the front of their lives work. Their dharma will give our children a space on this earth to continue to live on. Talk about a beautiful life path. Two weeks ago, I had the privilege of walking through an exhibit from the Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture. It was a collection of the students’ top work from the year, and my husband was among these creative thinkers. I was blown away by the way these minds care about the future. Why not make this a better place for us all to live?

Coming back to the door, which I know can sound trivial, I realized that for me it was a symbol of my mind and what I deem beautiful. The older I get, the more beautiful experience becomes, just as a wrinkle is beautiful for the wisdom it holds. Our homes can be similar, if we allow ourselves the opportunity to unlock the choices we are given for betterment. So today, I choose to care about my impact on this planet and hope to get better. I hope one day these thoughts will be reflected in all my choices that I make in life.

I’d love to hear your thoughts . What inspires change in you? How are you looking at the future of sustainability? Please share your own trials and wisdom below.

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