Wellness offerings
3 hr Ayurveda Bliss Package
Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Svedana, Marma, Bija Mantra, Aromatherapy & Herbal Soak
Shirodhara is a beautiful way to take your mediation practice deeper. A stream of warm herbal oil flows over the forehead and onto the third eye. Shirodhara helps sooth the mind and allows space for stillness, letting the mind go deeper into concentration and clarity. This treatment can work to calm the nervous system. There is a wonderful hydrating effect on the scalp and hair.
* 3 Session Package now available!
Pinda Swedana
Bolus Fomentation is an add on to help bring balance to the doshas within the body. Each Pinda is made custom depending on your own composition and needs. Inside the wrap will range from herbs, rice, sand or salt.
*This can be added to any service. with advanced notice.
Marma, our subtle vitality, an important point of creativity or dissolution, mini-minds, an Ayurvedic approach to energy work. Marma is passed on to us from ancient Indian healers. These 107 points reside at the end of Nadis, energetic pathways that carry Prana our life force or our energetic breath. This energy practice is used to help move stagnation within our subtle body.
Wild. That is how we were designed. Often life brings us away from this gorgeous side of our true nature. This is an hour movement "break through" class designed to reconnect to the Divine within and release the conformed spaces that hold us back. Expect to move, dance, sweat, scream and breathe.
Yoga Nidra
“A deep sleep with trace awareness.” Yoga Nidra helps us quiet down, focus inward and find blissful stillness. This is a guided practice that allows us a choice in how deep of a meditative state we need or even want to go into. Think of it as the space between waking and deep sleep, but you are given the tools to be aware in this space.
Color mediation is a lovely way to bring balance back to your system. It’s Ayurvedic fundamental is based on helping you recognize the root element out of balance and working with the opposite quality based in colors. Tartaka/candle gazing is also available. This is a great option for those who wish to keep their eyes open in meditation.
Bija Mantras
Realign your Chakras with the art of Mantra. These “seed” mantras are the root sounds at the center of each Chakra wheel as it unfolds as a lotus. The sounds help through vibration to bring your energetic body back into a balance state. The goal is to allow the Chakras to spin together in unison.
First Visit Consult
Ayurveda is all about taking the time to sit down and deep dive into conversation. When we give ourselves the space to start to tune into our bodies we can learn what extraordinary intelligence our physical and metaphysical selves have to offer. First consultations are a great introduction into this lovely science of life and offer a way to design a custom health ally.
Massage Therapy
Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic full body massage. Deeply relaxing and rejuvenating to our mind and body. Heated herbal oils are used according to your unique elemental makeup or your specific Dosha combination; Vata air & ether, Pitta fire & water, and Kapha water & earth. Practiced as a friction based modality using a light touch with a generous amount of oil, great for hydrating your skin in the drying months and soothing for your emotional well being. Enhances your bodies ability to relax and let go.
Myofascial Pranayama Energetic Release
Myofascial massage addresses one of the more complex layers of the body known as fascia. This service brings the art of gentle massage and joins with the traditional practice of Pranayama/breath control. When hands on work meets the individual with in their own breath deep layers of imbalance can be released. You can expect slow, subtle work over areas of discomfort and adhesions underneath the first layer of skin.
*Recommended for scar tissue.can make all the difference.
This dough container is filled with Ayurvedic specific oils to help soothe doshic imbalances. The oil is heated to allow for the oil’s qualities to seep deeper into the physical body. Great for Vata aggravation. A heavy Kapha vitiation for this service is contraindicated.
This add on can be done before or after all offerings.
Basti Kati: Low Back, is a beautiful addition to any massage.
Basti Janu: Knees, great for chronic joint pain.
Basti Hridaya: Heart, provides a sense of peace and happiness, effective when dealing with grief.
Ayurveda Steam
Traditionally Svedana or Swedana is received after an Abhyanga massage. Relax into a Steamy Wonder tent placed on top of a massage table, where you will enjoy the moisturizing effects of an herbal steam. Medicinal herbs are used to help calm the muscles and nurture the senses. This can be great for the respiratory system, especially in the winter months. Session ends with a cup of Ayurvedic detox tea. Steam treatment is not recommended for those with high blood pressure and woman who are pregnant.
Soul GRoup Session Yoga Nidra
Looking for a deeper Soul way to connect with your closest friends? A Soul group session of Yoga Nidra allows for entering into "a deep sleep with trace awareness" among friends.
Yoga Nidra helps us quiet down, focus inward, restful nights of sleep and provide blissful stillness. This is a guided group practice that allows the depth of a meditative state, with time to reconnect with your crew. Tea provided as part of the re-waking.
*For alternative times and dates please contact evatrapp@bindu
Reiki is a Japanese technique used for energy healing. Our bodies are intuitive and have the ability to disperse the energy where it is needed most. On a base level we are all made of energy and just like anything else in life there are ebbs and flows. It is important to know Reiki can do no harm.
Ayurvedic Yoga
Enjoy a one-on-one Ayurvedic Yoga experience. This session is custom designed entirely for you, no matter your experience level or preference in style. You can expect time to check in with yourself, feel your breath and explore movement in the physical form as well as the more subtle forms of self. This service includes guided meditation, hands on assists, marma energetic imbalance therapy & savasana massage.
Yoga one on one sessions are available, customized to fit your individual needs.