Brush aside any thoughts that massage is only a feel-good way to indulge or pamper yourself. To the contrary, massage can be a powerful tool to help you take charge of your health and well-being, whether you have a specific health condition or are just looking for another stress reliever. You can even learn how to do self-massage or how to engage in massage with a partner at home.
— The Mayo Clinic, Take Home Advice on Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is the application of a system of structured touch, pressure, movement, holding and treatment of the soft tissue manifestations of the human body in which the primary intent is to enhance the health and well-being of the client without limitation.

Many of us know the positive effects that can be felt by massage induced relaxation. Did you know massage also helps to reduce stress which links to a stronger immune system, can help lower blood pressure, helps align posture, and aids in muscular relaxation leading to less pain medication needed.

Remember if we are not feeling well we can not be there for anyone else. Self care is key to a healthy existence and respecting what we need is important. That is why I believe in massage therapy and it's many forms. So I invite you to ask yourself "what do I need today?".

*While there are many benefits to receiving a massage please note there are some serious contraindications with certain illnesses /disorders. A confidential intake of all clients is mandatory for your health and safety.

Traditional Swedish Massage is a classic. Designed to give relaxation with a gentle gliding flow of strokes working within the natural blood flow of the entire body. This modality can be extraordinary for the circulatory and nervous systems.

*A wonderful introduction to massage therapy.

Traditional Swedish Massage

60 min. $75

90 min. $112

My approach to Myofascial massage is a gentle and sustained hands on approach to helping the fascia to elongate. Fascia is a complex weave of connective tissue beneath the skin that covers our surfaces including muscles and internal organs. Myofascial can be an extremely effective modality for restrictions in body, an aid to pain and restoration of range of motion.

Myofascial combined with Abhyanga makes for the ultimate fascia restore. Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic full body massage. Designed to be deeply relaxing and rejuvenating to mind and body. It is also beneficial to the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic and immune systems. Heated herbal oils are used according to your bio-elements or Doshas; Vata (air & ether), Pitta (fire & water), and Kapha (water & earth). Please note this is a friction based modality using a light touch with a generous amount of oil, great for hydrating your skin in the drying months.

*This traditionally includes breast tissue in the massage routine. This can be adapted at clients request.

Myofascial Massage

60 min. $75

90 min. $112

75 min. $85 w/Meditation

90 min. $90 w/Svedana

150 min. $210 w/Abhyanga Massage

Neuromuscular massage therapy (NMT) is focused on myofascial trigger point syndrome. Myofascial trigger points are typically a hyper-irritable spot in a taut band within the muscle or its attachment sites, caused by autonomic, motor or sensory dysfunction. Perpetuating factors, otherwise known as activities of daily life help to navigate what muscles are overworked or not used properly. With this assessment NMT allows for a thorough exacting method to address discomforts. Myofascial Pain Syndrome is a fancy way to describe muscle pain. It refers to pain and inflammation in the body's soft tissues.

This is the ultimate Deep Tissue Massage.

*Please note this is deep pinpointed work. This method is used to help aid with specific problems. Not typically described as a relaxation massage.

Traditionally Svedana or Swedana is received after an Abhyanga massage. Relax into a Steamy Wonder tent placed on top of a massage table, where you will enjoy the moisturizing effects of an herbal steam. Clients lay inside tent while the scalp and face rest comfortably outside allowing the head never to over heat. Medicinal herbs are used to help relax the muscles and nurture the senses. This can be great for the respiratory system, especially in the winter months. Steam is available with many other appointments, browse around to find the option that serves you best. Session ends with a cup of detox tea.

*Steam treatment is not recommended for those with high blood pressure and woman who are pregnant.

NMT Deep Tissue Massage

60 min. $75

90 min. $112

90 min. $90 w/Svedana

120 min. $137 w/Svedana