December 2022’s book: We Are Not Here to be Bystanders by: Linda Sarsour
No in person meeting this month.
Welcome back to B&B’s Book Club. We are completing our second year this month! For some our monthly virtual book club has transitioned into a in person gathering at Sneha Yoga & Wellness Collective.
We meet the last Sunday of every month, except this month due to the Christmas Holiday this year. Everyone is welcome to join at any time throughout the year. The books are selected to help furthering us as souls and also to keep us actively learning more about this great big universe. These are set a year in advance but I’m always happy to take suggestions for future books to read, please email me at with your ideas and to sign up.
If in person isn’t your thing no problem. We will also have a zoom link for those near and far. The virtual platform allows us to join together from anywhere. We are a big open hearted community and we leave this book club to be something enjoyable in your life. Many of our members read along but choose not to go to any meetings.
I invite you to grab a warm cup of tea, a cozy blanket and read along with the Bindu and Body community.
Happy Reading,