Ayurveda is beyond beginning and ending. A science of eternal healing, it is compared to a vast ocean, and studying Ayurveda to swimming across. A true teacher can teach one how to swim, but the swimming is up to the student; …it is a lifelong journey.
— Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana, Chapter Thirty

Ayurveda translates to the Science of Life or the knowledge of Living. It is a 5,000 year old holistic health system from India, often considered the Mother of Health. This whole mind, body, and spirit interconnectedness takes each individual's constitution of elemental factors that make up who we are. Understanding that we are all made up of Five Elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Ether) in combination are known as our doshas. These allow us to begin the journey of learning to balance the state of our physical and mental body in its ideal homeostasis congruently with our environment.

This bodywork has been taken from ancient Indian traditions and is designed to help release toxins (ama) in the body. With a goal of restoring and/or maintaining balance within treatment sessions. These treatments can have a cleansing and purifying effect. Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga, also utilizing Asana (postures), Pranayama (breath), Dhyana (meditation) following Patanjali’s eight limbed path to Yoga. What we put into our bodies in terms of food and nurishment is key to ayurveda. There is an heb or plant for everything. Seasonal herbs for Svedana (steam treatment) and for Marma Therapy are used along with dosha specific oils for Abhyanga (full Body massage) and Shirodhara (third eye/Bindu oil streaming).

It is better to think of our health as a daily activity of life and not as a therapeutic intervention.

Although Ayurveda body work has been around for over 5,000 years, its recently gained in popularity in the United States. This is a great introduction to the experience. Your session includes 30mins Abhyanga/ gentle friction based heated oil massage and 30mins of Shirodhara oil streaming unto your the third eye located in the center of you forehead helping to dive deeper into meditation.

Sometimes we need a little help getting into our meditation practice. Guided meditation gives you a place to start from and grow deeper into your own awareness. It's best to wear comfortable clothing to allow yourself to relax. Each session is custom to help with your own individual release of tensions. Positions for the practice vary based on clients needs.

Intro to Ayurveda

60 min. $112

75 min. $122 w/Meditation

90 min. $127 w/Svedana

Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic full body massage. Designed to be deeply relaxing and rejuvenating to mind and body. It is also beneficial to the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic and immune systems. Heated herbal oils are used according to your bio-elements or Doshas; Vata (air & ether), Pitta (fire & water), and Kapha (water & earth). Please note this is a friction based modality using a light touch with a generous amount of oil, great for hydrating your skin in the drying months.

*This traditionally includes breast tissue in the massage routine. This can be adapted at clients request.

Abhyanga /Massage

90 min. $135

105 min. $140 w/Meditation

120 min. $150 w/Svedana

Traditionally Svedana or Swedana is received after an Abhyanga massage. Relax into a Steamy Wonder tent placed on top of a massage table, where you will enjoy the moisturizing effects of an herbal steam. Clients lay inside tent while the scalp and face rest comfortably outside allowing the head never to over heat. Medicinal herbs are used to help relax the muscles and nurture the senses. This can be great for the respiratory system, especially in the winter months. Steam is available with many other appointments, browse around to find the option that serves you best. Session ends with a cup of detox tea.

*Steam treatment is not recommended for those with high blood pressure and woman who are pregnant.

Svedana (Herbal Steam)

20 min. $20

Shirodhara is a beautiful way to take your mediation practice deeper. A stream of warm herbal oil flows over the forehead and onto the third eye. Shirodhara helps sooth the mind and allows space for stillness, letting the mind go deeper into concentration and clarity. This treatment can work directly with calming the nervous system, aiding with insomnia, stress, anxiety, and depression. This classic Ayurvedic therapy stimulates the “third-eye” and has a wonderful hydrating effect on the scalp and hair. The session is ended with a wringing of excess oil out of your hair followed by a gentle neck and scalp massage.

*Due to the amount of oil it is advantageous to bring a towel or scarf for your ride home. Recommended to shower a few hours after treatment.

The Marma & Chakras is a guided Chakra balance built for helping the prana or life force flow. Before your 30 min. Shirodhara stream, sink into a 30 mins session of alignment and balance with Marama Therapy. A Marma paste, made with tridoshic herbs will be placed on some of the chakra points. All Chakras will be lead through a visualized mediation with a focus on blockages in each individual. This includes breath work/pranayama, mantras/sounds and mudras/gestures for each Chakra system.

Shirodhara /Third Eye Oil Stream

30 min. $75 (*best for 1st session)

60 min. $135

60 min. $105 w/Marma Chakras

Ayurvedic Bliss Therapy is the perfect gift of self care. It is a combination of Abhyanga, Shirodhara, and Svedana. This trifecta creates the space to allow the mind, body and soul to connect in relaxation and purification. Starting with a 1 hour and a half of Abhyanga massage, followed by a half hour stream of Shirodhara, and ending with a 15 minute Svedana herbal steam. This divine flow can be very transformative helping with overall peace and wellness. I invite my Bliss Therapy clients to sit and meditate guided or alone for 15 minutes after these sessions. I hold this space to allow everyone their own moments to digest the process.

Guided meditation included, but it is always an option to sit in silence and do your own practice. Enjoy a cup of detox tea to finish your day off. Please remember to bring a towel for the car ride home. The Shirodhara, although hydrating can make the hair heavy.

Ayurveda Bliss Therapy

180 min. $290